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    6 Best Practices for Achieving High Water Distribution Uniformity (DU)

    Water distribution uniformity best practices
    by Bennett Fitzgibbon

    Water distribution uniformity (DU)  refers to the evenness with which water is distributed across a field, vineyard or irrigation block and is critical for producing a healthy crop. Achieving high water distribution uniformity is essential to avoid over-irrigation in some areas and under-irrigation in others, which can cause water stress in plants, reduce crop yields, and waste water. The goal of achieving good water distribution uniformity is to ensure that plants receive adequate moisture and nutrients, which is essential for their growth and productivity.

    There are also several environmental benefits to having good water distribution uniformity. One of the most significant benefits is that it can help reduce water waste and improve water use efficiency. When water is distributed uniformly across an area, it is less likely to be lost to runoff, evaporation, or deep percolation, all of which can lead to unnecessary water loss and waste. This can be especially important in areas that are experiencing water scarcity or drought conditions, where efficient water use is critical.

    Several factors can affect water distribution uniformity, including the design and layout of irrigation systems, the type of sprinklers or emitters used, and the characteristics of the soil and crops being irrigated. However, there are several best practices that can be followed to achieve the best results.

    1. Conduct Regular Maintenance Checks


    Regular maintenance checks are essential for ensuring that irrigation systems are functioning correctly. It is important to check the sprinklers or emitters for any damage or clogs, inspect the pipes and valves for leaks, and ensure that the water pressure and flow rate are consistent throughout the system. Any problems should be promptly addressed to ensure that the irrigation system operates effectively.

    2. Choose the Right Irrigation System


    Selecting the right irrigation system is essential for achieving good water distribution uniformity. Different systems have different applications, and it is important to choose one that is appropriate for the specific needs of the area being irrigated. For example, drip irrigation is a suitable option for plants that require a slow, steady supply of water, while sprinkler irrigation is more suitable for areas that require more extensive coverage.

    3. Use High-Quality Components


    High-quality components, such as sprinklers, emitters, pipes, and valves, can significantly impact water distribution uniformity. It is important to choose components that are durable, reliable, and designed for the specific needs of the irrigation system. High-quality components will also require less maintenance, resulting in lower costs and fewer disruptions to the irrigation system's operation.

    4. Use Proper Watering Techniques


    Using proper watering techniques is crucial for achieving good water distribution uniformity. One important technique is to water at the right time of day, typically early in the morning or late in the afternoon, to avoid excessive evaporation. Additionally, it is important to water evenly across the entire area, rather than concentrating on specific sections. This will help ensure that all plants receive the same amount of water.

    5. Monitor Water Usage


    Monitoring water usage is important for ensuring that the irrigation system is operating effectively and that water distribution uniformity is being achieved. It is important to track water usage and adjust the irrigation schedule as needed to account for changes in weather, plant growth, and other factors. Monitoring water usage can also help identify any problems with the irrigation system, allowing them to be addressed promptly.

    6. Invest in the Right Technology


    A modest investment in technology can go a long way in helping you achieve better water distribution uniformity. Smart irrigation valves are affordable and easy to install and maintain. Not only do they help deliver precise volumes of water to designated irrigation blocks, but they also track and monitor water usage and flow rates so you can easily identify if there are any water distribution uniformity concerns.



    Achieving good water distribution uniformity is essential for ensuring that crops receive adequate moisture and nutrients. It also provides several environmental benefits such as water conervation, soil presevation, and reduced pesticide use. By following these best practices, such as conducting regular maintenance checks, choosing the right irrigation system, using high-quality components, using proper watering techniques, monitoring water usage, and investing in the right technology, it is possible to achieve high distribution uniformity and ensure that your irrigation system operates effectively for many years to come.

    To learn more about how Lumo's smart irrigation valves can help you achieve a higher DU, contact us here or email us at [email protected]

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