Central Valley Lead Submission
Step 1: Scan the list below of active leads and customers as of Nov 8, 2024. If the company does not exist for your lead, proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Complete and submit the form below.
Step 3 (optional): Email your lead and cc [email protected] to make an introduction. This is recommended to increase the liklihood of the lead connecting with a Lumo rep. Here is a template you can use:
"Hey [FIRST NAME], I'd like to introduce you to Bennett from Lumo. He can share more information with you about their precision irrigation system. Thanks."
"Hey [FIRST NAME], I'd like to introduce you to Bennett from Lumo. He can share more information with you about their precision irrigation system. Thanks."
What happens next?
At anytime, you can check the status of leads submitted by going to this link
Leads that have a “connected” status, will be paid out on or before the 15th of the following month
If this lead converts into a closed won deal, you may be additionally compensated*
Deals that have the status of “closed won” are eligible for a commission payout from Central Valley
Commission payouts on deals will be provided per Central Valley's terms