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Precision Irrigation. Simplified.

Get up and running with precision irrigation more quickly and at a lower cost.
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The Fast path to precision

An all-in-one precision irrigation system that delivers exceptional crop and business outcomes.
Every grower knows applying the right amount of water at the right time is crucial to success. And yet, most still aren’t irrigating with as much precision as they’d like because the solutions to date have been expensive, complex, slow to install, and difficult to maintain. That’s where Lumo’s different. With patented hardware, intuitive software, and a local field team providing hands-on support, Lumo is an all-in-one precision irrigation system designed to produce exceptional crop and business outcomes. 
“There’s a night and day difference from the other irrigation automation systems we’re working with. It’s everything everyone else says they can do but Lumo actually does it.”
Tyler Klick, Partner and Viticulturist at Redwood Empire Vineyard Management

Working with World
Renowned Growers

“The product is plug and play without any wires to run or radios to set up. A flow meter is incorporated into each valve that is capable of delivering irrigation sets by a volume, instead of a duration. I’ll be able to log all irrigations, by volume, for any water use reporting requirements that either exist now or will in the future. I think that more than any other company I've worked with, Lumo has listened to what we've had to say in the industry.”
Ryan Decker
Clos du Val
“I chose Lumo because the installation and the valve operation are very easy. We’re now able to do more precise irrigations, giving water to the vines when they need it, and only what they need. After we started automating irrigation, we produced the best fruit I’ve ever seen.”
Gustavo Aviña
Pine Ridge Vineyards
“With the Lumo valves, we have this micro control that we didn't have in the past. We know that what we are scheduling is getting executed, we know the timing is right, and we have confidence we’ll get the quality that we want from the vineyard.”
Hannah Lindner
Wente Vineyards

Precision Irrigation Improves Crop and Business Outcomes

up to
less time spent irrigating
up to
reduction in pumping costs
up to
increase in crop quality

Built-in accountability

Lumo was built from the ground up to meet the needs of the modern grower. Growers want to irrigate with precision, but they also need a system that’s simple to install, intuitive to use, and easy to maintain. A way to not only automate the turning of valves, but also get the data necessary to operate with accountability and peace of mind.

Results from the field

Clos du Val

Ryan Decker | Viticulturist
Saving $200-300 an acre on labor and seeing a 10-15% increase in yield. 
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Tyler Klick | Viticulturist/Owner
“I’d love to get to a point where all of our clients have it installed.” 
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Pine Ridge Vineyards

Gustavo Aviña | Viticulture Director
“We eliminate between 10 to 14 hours of labor per acre per season.”
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Wente Vineyards

Hannah Lindner | Viticulture Manager
Pumping off-peak. Easing labor constraints. Data they can actually use. 
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The Benefits of Precision Irrigation

Higher Yields
Precision irrigation improves yields by allowing growers to fine-tune vine stress, optimize water delivery, maintain soil moisture levels, and achieve high distribution uniformity (DU) across irrigation blocks.
Reduced Yield Loss and Damage
Precision irrigation systems give growers 24/7 remote control and monitoring over their irrigations, allowing them to eliminate overwatering or underwatering, and react instantly to heat events to prevent crop loss or damage.
Improved Sustainability
Precision irrigation improves sustainability by reducing wasted water, improving energy efficiency by irrigating at off-peak times, and cutting back emissions from vehicles used to irrigate manually.
Greater Labor Efficiency
Precision irrigation systems improve operational efficiency through the automation of manual tasks like turning valves and looking for leaks, reducing errors and minimizing the need for on-site monitoring and reporting.